and still dont understand why people especially other teens could be so cruel.
You make fun of people because of looks, style, voice, sexuality, race, etc.
What justice does that do? Nothing. Teens call girls sluts, whores, etc because
they got pregnant at 15. But some of those girls, you don't know they were raped
and were brave enough to keep their baby. ...It doesnt
change anything but make her feel worse about the situation. You don't know what
they've been through or how it happen. What that person feels, how many rude
comments they get a day. One sweet comment or even a hello can change a persons
mind from wanting to commit suicide. One person can change a life but thousands
of people can make a difference. Ive had friends try to commit suicide, try to
drink or smoke their problems away, cut themselves, and purposely try to lose
their child because they couldnt take it anymore. I am asking all of you to
please stand up against bullying. Stand up for what you believe is right and
make a difference. It starts with you.

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